All You Need To Know About Laminar Flow Hoods

When building a laboratory, there are a lot of types of equipment needed to ensure that all tasks can be done correctly and safely to protect both the specimens and the laboratory staff. However, that does not mean that you have to get all the scientific equipment on the market. It all depends if your laboratory focuses more on scientific research or the practical side like engineering or design.

Even so, there is scientific equipment that all laboratory owners should have in their laboratories. One of them is laminar flow hood and this article will teach you all you need to know about laminar flow Malaysia.

What are laminar flow hoods?

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Laminar flow hoods or sometimes referred to as laminar flow benches or workstations are a type of laboratory equipment used to protect specimens or engineering parts from contaminated particles in the air. The design is similar to a rectangle aquarium except for the back and the two sides are made out of steel and transparent glass for the front part. Also, it has an opening at the front for laboratory staff to do their task in that sterile environment.

What are the types of laminar flow hoods?

Well, laminar flow hoods come in two different types; vertical and horizontal. Knowing which one is the most suitable for your laboratory is important, so you will not waste any money. 

  • Horizontal Flow Hoods

Just as how the name suggests, this type of hood filters the air from the outside and blows the clean air from the back of the hood toward the operator. Therefore, it will create horizontal clean air. If your focus is on scientific research then this type is the one for you! However, remind your workers to wear protective gear when working with it as the air flows back outside, it could infect your workers with dangerous particles.

  • Vertical Flow Hoods

Opposite of the previous one, the function of vertical follow hoods is not limited to filtering air from the outside only. But, it also recirculates and filters the air from inside as well. Furthermore, since the direction of the airflow is from the bottom to the top of the workspace, your staff will be more protected from harmful specks than the previous one.

What are the benefits of having laminar flow hoods?

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Other than ensuring a dirt-free environment for your specimen or products, laminar flow hoods also have other benefits. 

  • Safety precaution

With laminar flow hoods, they can monitor the carbon filter and gas percentage at your laboratory. When it is higher than the safe percentage, the alarm will go off to alert the people around it.

  • Cost-saving

Laminar flow hoods require minimal maintenance when they are installed at your laboratory. Their filter needs to be replaced but only after a long period of time and it is at a reasonable price range. Furthermore, it requires the air at the laboratory itself to work – which is unlimited! 

  • Mobile

Laminar flow hoods are easy to install, just plug the external cord to your nearest plug point and there you go — they’re ready to work! Due to this feature, you can bring it to the different rooms in the building easily.

In conclusion

It is undeniable that laminar flow cabinets are one of the important laboratory equipment all laboratory owners should have. Having one in your laboratory will ensure ultimate cleanliness and sterile environment which benefits your specimens or products and your staff. So, go get your own laminar flow Malaysia now!

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