New Mom? Here Are The Three Easiest Ways To Breastfeed

There are a lot of first-time moms out there who don’t know the best way to breastfeed their newborns. It can take time, practice, and a lot of trial and error to get the hang of breastfeeding. Right away, you might realize that you need to be patient and keep going. A healthy baby wants to nurse the most 20 to 30 minutes after birth. You should keep your baby close so it can drink your colostrum, the first milk you make after giving birth that is full of nutrients.

You can ask the nurses and lactation specialists at the hospital to learn the best ways for you and your newborn to breastfeed.

Which Breastfeeding Positions Are The Best?

We’ve included visual guides for three different breastfeeding positions for new moms below:

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1. The Cradle Hold Position

The traditional way to nurse an infant is to hold it in your arms. When the mother feeds the baby in this position, the baby’s stomach will be up against her body.

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2. The Cross-cradle Position

For early breastfeeding, the cross-cradle hold is perfect. Sit up straight in a chair with armrests that feel good. Bring your baby across your front, tummy to tummy. Hold your baby in the crook of the arm opposite the breast you’re feeding from—the left arm for the right breast and the right arm for the left.

how to nurse lying down - New Mom? Here Are The Three Easiest Ways To Breastfeed

3. The Side-lying Position

The side-lying position is very helpful for nursing mothers who are tired or who have just had surgery. When moms choose to sleep with their babies, this is the most common way for them to sleep.

Some Important Tips!

Comfortable breastfeeding is about more than just being in the right position. These extra steps can make it easier and work better to breastfeed:

  • Preparing a pleasant space for nursing.

A room with snacks, water, a nursing pillow, a blanket, and other basics might help new mothers handle long breastfeeding sessions.

  • Pumping after each feeding.

Pumping after breastfeeding increases production and stores breast milk. This helps empty the breasts and pumping one breast while breastfeeding saves time for some women.

  • Providing support to the breasts.

The breast may cover the baby’s face depending on size or posture. Supporting the breast with a free hand makes the position more comfortable and keeps the baby’s nose uncovered.

  • Pillows or rolled blankets for support.

Holding a new baby can be tiring, so this tip can be very useful in those situations. By propping up the baby’s supporting elbow with a pillow, for example, the back and neck are less stressed.

  • Putting your neck and shoulders at ease.

Some parents might tighten their neck and shoulder muscles to make up for the strain that the baby puts on them. Relax those muscles or use a pillow to help you stand up.

  • Provide additional help with breastfeeding.

It’s never too late to seek extra professional help at home and the easiest way is with Lansinoh products. Lansinoh provides the best and most effective alternative to the highly cosmetic products that were available for nipple soreness.


As the mother and baby get used to each other and get into a routine, the best way to breastfeed can change. Don’t be afraid to try different places to stand. Some positions might feel strange at first, but with practice, they can become more natural and comfortable.

If a woman is having trouble breastfeeding, she should get help right away. Most problems with breastfeeding can be fixed, but if the woman and baby have to wait too long, it can be hard and make both of them upset.

Want to know more about the best alternatives to breastfeeding? Visit Lansinoh right now!

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