Title: Edukomedi: Laugh and Learn with these Hilarious TV Shows!


Welcome to the wonderful world of educational television programs that combine knowledge with humor to make learning an entertaining experience! In this blog post, we will dive into a list of side-splitting shows that not only tickle your funny bone but also expand your knowledge on a wide range of topics. From science to history, these educomedi programs will leave you ROFLing (Rolling On the Floor Laughing) while gaining valuable insights. So, let’s buckle up and prepare for an educational journey packed with laughs!

The Body

  1. “Kocaknya Sains” (Hilarious Science)

If you think science is boring, think again! “Kocaknya Sains” is a hilarious TV show that presents complex scientific concepts in a light-hearted and amusing way. Hosted by the witty duo Zulaikha and Amir, this program combines experiments, skits, and absurd scenarios to explain scientific phenomena. Watch as they create chaos in the lab while unraveling the mysteries of physics, biology, and more. With their infectious laughter and entertaining antics, you won’t even realize you’re learning!

  1. “Raja Lontong” (King of Comedy)

“Raja Lontong” is a renowned educational comedy show hosted by the incredibly talented comedian, Ibrahim Young. Combining stand-up comedy and insightful discussions, Ibrahim delivers hilarious punchlines while enlightening the audience on various aspects of history. From the rise and fall of ancient civilizations to significant world events, he takes you on a laughter-filled journey through time. Be prepared to laugh till your stomach aches while gaining historical knowledge!

  1. “Gelak Sastera” (Laugh with Literature)

Dive into the world of Malay literature with a twist of humor in “Gelak Sastera.” Hosted by the charismatic literature enthusiast, Aisyah, this show explores famous works of literature, including poetry, novels, and plays. Aisyah’s infectious laughter and animated storytelling skills will have you glued to the screen as she presents classic pieces of literature in a comical and engaging way. Get ready to bust a gut while appreciating the beauty of Malay literature!

  1. “Belajar Bahasa dengan Benny” (Learn Language with Benny)

Learning a new language has never been this entertaining! “Belajar Bahasa dengan Benny” is a language-learning show hosted by Benny, a comical language enthusiast. With his unique teaching methods and hilarious mnemonics, Benny makes language learning enjoyable and easy to remember. Whether you’re eager to master English verbs or Malay idioms, Benny’s humorous approach will have you chuckling all the way to fluency!


Educational television doesn’t have to be dull and serious. Thanks to these educomedi shows, learning becomes a fun-filled adventure where laughter meets knowledge. So, take a break from traditional educational resources and tune in to these hilarious programs. Prepare to ROFL while expanding your understanding of science, history, literature, and languages. With these educomedis, you’ll no longer dread gaining knowledge!

FAQ Section

Q1: Are these shows suitable for all ages?

Certainly! Although primarily designed to entertain and educate young viewers, these shows have universal appeal. They are light-hearted and contain content suitable for all ages. So gather your family, sit back, and enjoy the laughter-filled educational journey together!

Q2: Where can I watch these educational comedy shows?

You can catch these shows on popular Malaysian television channels during prime time slots. Additionally, some episodes may be available on the official websites of the respective TV channels. Keep an eye out for reruns and be prepared to burst into laughter anytime you tune in!

Q3: Do these educomedi shows have subtitles in English?

Yes! Most of these shows offer subtitles in English to cater to a wider audience. So, even if you’re not fluent in Malay, turn on the subtitles and join in the laughter. Language barriers won’t stop you from gaining knowledge with these hilarious programs!

Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and when combined with education, it becomes an unbeatable combo. So, get ready to laugh, learn, and broaden your horizons with these educomedis!

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