What impacts does the automation pose? Individual, social

The increasing application of automation has pushed the world forward at an unprecedented speed. It creates changes in how fast innovations are introduced with fewer efforts input. Despite being one of the most successful shifts in the whole world, automation is met with controversies in terms of human resources and employment. Let us look through the surface of this matter in this writing. 


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In most cases, an instalment of an automation unit means a replacement of human resources. With the surplus benefits that businesses are earning from this technology, a large number of people are losing their jobs and this created two main opinions about the issue, against and support. The same thing happened with the art industry nowadays as artists are protesting against the use of AI technology in generating art pieces. Therefore, one of the direct effects of automation in factory operations is the dislocation of human labour from the workplace. This will neutralise most of the senior workers/employees in most industries, as it might be too late for them to learn new skills that are out of their specialities. 

The long-term effects of automation and unemployment are debatable and critical to society’s sustainability. Without handling this stigma, more conflicts are expected to rise. Part of the problem and also the solution lies in the hands of corporate owners. If they did not fire the employees and agreed to spend money on retraining the workforce to cope with new tasks: maintaining the automation chains, managing the projects, or supervising the process. These are skills that their basic levels are achievable after two to three months of practising. Indeed it will cost them more money, however, the profits generated by the automation could compensate for that. This is also agreed by the Labour unions that it could succeed so long as the company and the economy, in general, are growing at a rate fast enough to create new positions as the jobs replaced by automation are lost.


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Besides individuals, automation also poses profound impacts on society. In terms of productivity, automated chains and services offer top-notch achievements. For example, a small Malaysian business could service providers offer and gain much more from it in expenses, customer satisfaction, and trends prediction… 

A properly justified automation project will increase productivity owing to increases in production rate and reductions in labour content. Over the years, productivity gains have led to reduced prices for products and increased prosperity for society.

However, a large number of issues related to education and training have been raised by the increased use of automation, robotics, computer systems, and related technologies. Additionally, with the increasing automation, there has developed a shortage of technically trained personnel to implement these technologies competently. Causing a direct influence on the rate at which automated systems can penetrate the industry. The shortage of skilled staffing in automation technologies raises the need for vocational and technical training to develop the required workforce skills.

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